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CLUBS 2024-25


Name of club: Open to: Who runs the club? When? Where?

Recorder club

Invite only Mrs Bradley-Wyatt Thursday before school 8am In the hall


KS2 Kick Start Monday after school- term 1 Outside


KS2 Kick Start Wednesday after school- term 1 Outside
Young Voices

Young Voices choir (KS2)

 Mrs Bradley-Wyatt Tuesday before school 8am In the hall


KS1 Kickstart Wednesday after school- term 2 In the hall


KS2 Kickstart Monday after school- term 2 In the hall

Bracelet making

All Mrs Bennett Friday lunchtimes Cherry Class

Yoga Club

Year 2/3/4 Miss Lamb Term 1 Hall

Mindfulness colouring club

All Mrs Allen- Harding Term 1 and 2 Oak Class

TT Rockstars

KS2 Mrs Allen- Harding Term 1 and 2 Oak Class


KS2 Mrs Allen- Harding Term 3 and 4 Outside


KS2 Mr Pope Thursday after school- all year Hall

Fitness Club

KS2 Miss Lamb

Term 1

Term 3- Wednesday morning


TT Rockstars and Purple Mash

KS2 Miss Lamb Wednesday Lunchtime Pine Class