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Clerk to the Governors: 

Mrs L Dive (

Hollingbourne Primary School Governance Arrangements.

At Hollingbourne Primary School we have a dedicated and committed Governing Body. All governors work alongside the Headteacher and staff to ensure the effective management of the school. Governors contribute a wide range of skills from a variety of backgrounds on a voluntary basis. The relationship between the Governors and the Headteacher is one of support and challenge.

On the 1st September 2015 The Governing Body of Hollingbourne Primary School was reconstituted under the 2012 School Governance Regulations and is now made up of                             
1        Headteacher

1        Staff Governor
1        Local Authority Governor

2       Parent Governors

3       Co-opted Governors 

The governing body operates the circle method of governance with six full governing body meetings a year. Three meetings a year are strategy focused on school improvement, curriculum and performance data and three are resources focused on the budgets/expenditure, personnel, premises and health and safety. Governors usually serve for a period of four years and are often reappointed. They frequently visit the school formally and informally, keeping in touch with the school life. Governors attend training provided by KCC. 

The governing body is made up of a diverse group of people. Due to identifiable information, we are unable to publish the details of our diversity as these are protected characteristics. 

We always welcome suggestions and feedback from parents-please contact the Chair of Governors Mrs Carly Moore via the school office.