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Welcome to our SEND webpage. At Hollingbourne Primary School we have a strong sense of community and belonging. We celebrate neurodiversity and as a team we’re committed to providing a rich learning experience for all of our pupils.

‘Staff want all pupils to achieve as much as they can. They understand the needs of pupils with SEND well. Leaders make sure that pupils’ needs are identified correctly. This begins in early years. Leaders carefully consider the additional support that pupils with SEND may need to be successful and make sure that they receive it. Staff work well with external agencies to support pupils whose needs are complex.’

Ofsted 1st March 2022

You can find SEND information and support from KCC here. In addition, please see our document entitled Information and SEND support for families.

To view our SEND Information report and policy, Accessibility and Medical Policies please visit the Policies section of our school website.

If you have any complaints about our SEND provision, you should put these in writing to our SENDCo Miss Z Wright.